Shawn finally settled down after those incidents. We finished with my Magic tricks
and playing with our Star Wars stuff, so it was off to watch television.
It was getting close to supper time. My mom just came in from work
and was ordering a pizza for us at the pizza parlor via the phone. "I'm gonna need someone to get the pie!" She shouted down
the hallway, waiting for us to respond. My brother wanted to go, but she wouldn't let him. "Too late, and too dark, even for
up the block", she explained to him. Shawn and I said we would go, plus I told him they had a new Arcade game, "Space Invaders".
I took the money my mother gave us for the pizza and with a pocket full of quarters, Shawn and I was off.
After a couple of games, we had to get back. Anna who own the Pizza
Parlor was a friend with my mom and we couldn't stay long. Anna said, " Ah, cuma backa next week, we'll have a new game, Asteroidsa
I thinka it was it'sa name." She had a thick Sicilian Accent and she was very funny.
When we got back, we sat down to eat. My mom joined us and we all started to enjoy
the pizza. Shawn then began to ask my mom about the Ghost that lived in the house. "Ghost! What ghost?" was her reply. My
mom was ambiguous to the paranormal things occurring. She was always in her own little world, but this shook her up. "
"Yeah, mom, you know the ghost we have ever since we remodelled the house". "There
is no GHOSTS in this house and I don't want to hear any more about it, your father and his stories..", Shawn saw how upset
my mother was about the subject, so he silent the questioning. Later after eating he said to me, "Your mom pretty upset about
you having a ghost, huh?"
I told him about the first incident we had and that a neighbor had
to be called. His wife was a close friends with my mom and dad. They been talking and now the neighborhood got a lot of questions
as well. ".....It's just the house settling that's all." Things got quiet from that point on. My brother was now dipping his
pizza crust into his milk and eating it. It grossed Shawn and I, so we finished and went down stairs to play.
Shawn started to ask more questions about the ghost, which I had no answers
for. "What's the ghost name?, Is it a female or male ghost?, Is it just one or are there many?" I just shrugged my shoulder
and said,"I don't know." Just then, we started to hear a noise from the Boiler room. A low rumble started. Shawn got really
scared this time.
"Was the ghost angry with me for asking too many questions?", he asked.
I told him "I didn't think that was the problem. Then all of a sudden, with a loud band, a 500 lbs. Radiator fell over, spilling
and spurting water all over the basement. We went over to the radiator, now spitting at us and tried to lift it. We couldn't,
too heavy.
My mom ran down the steps, because of the bang and commotion. "What
did you guys do?" mom asked. Shawn replied, "We did do it, the ghost did!" Wrong answer for my mother, yet Shawn and I knew
different. She said, "Wait till your father gets home. He's not going to be happy with this." About an 1/2 inch of water covered
the basement floor. Our sleeping bags were soaked. We gathered our things, mom turned off the water and went upstairs to dry
I gave Shawn a pair of Pj's for the night. He was quite tall and the
bottoms looked like shorts on him. My mom gave him a T-shirt to complete his night clothes. "What were you guys doing
to the radiator?" she asked again. "Nothing mom, I swear, we heard a rumble then the radiator fell over". I don't think that
answer satisfied her then or today.