We settled into the night and the rain
continued thru the eve. We watched our brand new cable TV, my father's new toy. No occurence happened while we spent the rest
of the night resting up after the move. An evening with The Love Boat, then Charlie's Angels,then off to bed. My parents hit
the sack when my brother and I went to bed, being tired from doing all the heavy moving of the day. Even the dogs and cat
retired from investigating the new surroundings.
The rain got heavier through the night and started to Lightning and Thunder. My
Star Wars posters glowed with every lightning strike. Darth Vader never looked so menacing. The thunder became louder as the
storm got closer. My bedroom filled with light with every bolt. It kept me awake most of the night but I finially fell asleep.
During the night, as I lie in my be I felt a pressure on
my side, as if someone was sitting on the bed. I thought it was my dog, so I decided to push him off, as I sat up in my bed,
my dog was nowhere to be found. I look under the bed, her favorite spot during storms. No dog, maybe I knocked her off when
I sat up. No biggie, she probably went to my brothers room with the other dog. I returned to sleep.
The storm stopped, just a light rain. I could hear the new drain pipe from the
roof. Then I felt my sheets slowly being pulled down my body as if someone was pulling from the foot of my bed. Doggie playing
tricks with me. This was a new one. I sat up, it stopped pulling. I looked around, No dog, No one. This started to bug me
out. What is doing this? I could see everything in my bedroom because there was a street light glaring from the front of the
house and into the room.
Who or what is there? Slightly distrubed I tried to go back to sleep. One eye
on the clock, one hand clutching the sheets, just in case. WEIRD! Now I wished my dog was with me, sleeping next side of me,
but she was nowhere to be found. I finally fell asleep.
The next day, I woke with my dog in my bed. "where did you go to?",she just
cocked her head and gave me that question mark look. My mother already awake and was fixing us breakfast. The smell of bacon
and eggs filled the house. I put on my robe and wet down stairs. "The new stove works great", she exclaimed, since it was
her first time cooking on it.
Yesterday my father treated us to Mickey D's, so this was her way of breaking
in the new appliances. I asked my mother,"Mom, did you come into my room last night?" She replied "no" and continued to fixed
the bacon. "did dad wake up and come into my room?", I asked. " I don't think so, betweent the thunder and your father's snoring,
I was up every half an hour.
"OUCH!" The bacon grease popped up and got my mother's hand. She went to the sink
and rinsed of her burnt hand. I started to fix my plate of bacon with a kaiser roll and a glass of juice.
My brother came down the stairs with a BOOM. His new game was to jump off the stairs
from the fourth step. My mother, hurt from the bacon grease and annoyed at his anticks, suggested that he should sit down
and eat. "It's going to get cold!", she shouted at him as he shuffled into our new breakfast nook.
"Just chocolate milk and a roll for me", said my brother. She fixed it for him and placed
it in front of him. He started to eat and play with his food. Blowing bubbles into the chocolate milk, till the bubbles spilled
over the glass. "That's it!" She yelled. "finish up and get ready, we are going shopping for new curtains." "Can I get a new
toy?" My brother shouted as he jumped around in his seat. Excited with the delight of going to Korvette's for a toy, or a
least the opportunity to beg for a new toy. I, at this point finished eating and got up.
I turned around to my brother and asked,"Did you come into my room last night?" "No, why
should I? I have my own room now. I don't need to go into your room for anything." I then asked, "Did the dogs stay in your
room last night?" He said, "Yeah, they like my room better! Even the cat stayed in my room last night." He drank the rest
of his chocolate milk. I gave him a hard stare and went up stairs.
Upstairs my father was out of the shower now and I asked,"Did you sleep
O.K. last night?" "Just fine", he said and continued to get dressed. "Did you come into my room last night?" "Nope." He replied.
I turned around and went into my room more puzzled than ever.