After the appearance of our specter, we've had a chance to settle down. I was still
sleeping with the cover over my head, with only a small hole to peer out and to breathe. Mom was very nervous, she started
to bite her nails again. A habit in which she quit years before. Her only happy times seem to be when she went to work. Can't
blame her, I liked being away as well, but I had to be home to take care of my brother till she arrived. Dad was normal, since
he didn't get the privilege of seeing the Pink Lady (that's what we were calling her), his life didn't change much. A calm,
seem to fall over the house now. Even the Dog and Cat didn't seem to notice those things that we could not see. Months
seem to fly by without any incident and we were grateful. I became a junior in High School and Disco was filling the air-waves
with dance music. I was now the President of the new Disco Dance Club at our High School. Boy, I got a ribbing over that.
In the hallways of school as I passed my classmates, they would make comments like, "Disco Sucks" or "Diiss-Coo Boy". I would
pretend not to notice them. As I did for our ghost at our house. My friends seem to change and I lost some, but Kevin was
still there for me. We would still study together and teach others new dance steps at our "New" club venture. My brother was
now in the same school as me, going through his, "So… your John Carr's Brother" Blues. He got it from both ends, Teachers
always compared him to me. I was a good student and Frankie had a hard time living to that. Then, there were those classmates
who gave me a hard time, and poor Frankie would have to either defend me or pretend not even to know me. Gosh, High School
was hard. People can be so cruel. At home, the
basement was converted into a small Disco, my newest hobby was collecting Disco lighting effects. I even purchased a Mixing
board and had Two turntables to mix music. I have gotten pretty darn good at it and had a few parties downstairs. I would
mix music, while my friends would dance or make out with their girl friends. It was my start of my dating time. Her name was
Kathy Hughes, she was really pretty, all the other boys was jealous, which made me proud. You see, Kathy was older than I,
by 2 years. She was a petite girl, except for her Top. She was, how should I say, very developed. I never made a big issue
over it, but the other boys would gawk at her. We would dance with each other and have a good time, just being with each other.
Frankie was a friend with
Kathy's brother, Pat. Their father past away while they were young, Kathy had some issues over the passing of her father,
she always felt that he was always watching over her. She didn't mind the ghost thing at all, in fact, she would get a bit
excited over the prospects of maybe seeing the ghost. Kathy would get yucky feeling in certain parts of my house, she was
quite sensitive, but she never got the chance to see the "Pink Lady". Her brother was another story. One time at a sleep over
that my brother had, he had a big scare, when he swears to see somebody in one of our mirrors downstairs. Pat so scared that
he gathered his belongings and pettled his way home in the dark. Kathy called the next day to tell us that her brother was
o.k. He begged to sleep with her in her bed because he was so freightened. She let him sleep on the floor, which was good
enough for him. The only
time, Kathy and I had a experience together (of the ghostly kind), was once, we were downstairs dancing. Nobody was in the
house, Dad was bowling, Mom had to work late and since it was Friday, Frankie got to stay over one of his other friends house.
As we danced, all of a sudden, all the lights went off, the recorded player slowed down to a evil sub-human voice of, "Leeeettttt'ss
aaaalllllll cccchhhaaaant…."then their was dead silence. Kathy grabbed on to me and held on real hard. "Are you o.k.?",
I asked. She said, "I'm f..f…fine." "Guess we blew a circuit breaker" I exclaimed, just then, one of my blue siren light
turned on. It started really slow, as the blue light traced along the walls of the basement. "If we blew the circuit, then
why is that light spinning?" she asked as her fingers clamped onto my arms. "Don't know, but I'll check it out." I said as
calmly as possible. "I'm going with you!", she said nervously. We took all of three step and everything went back on. the
music started. "Let's all chant?, oohwwee, oohwwee." Blared over the speakers. Mirror ball started to spin and all the sensor
Disco lights flashed on and off to the music. She started to laugh and so did I. I started to turn off some of the lights,
just in case it was them who started this brown out. Just then, Kathy screamed, "AAAAAhhhhh", "Something touched me!!"
"Are you sure?", she gave me a look that I've never seen before, a mixture of scared, angry , and a bit of "I can't believe,
you don't believe me" look. "It felt cold, with long fingers, like a dead witches hand", I held her till she stopped shaking.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." I said. She turned her head and looked 180 degrees and said, "But who will protect you?"
She then felt for her locket, which was always on her neck. "It's gone"! She exclaimed. I looked at her neck, "It's not gone
Kathy, but it's undone, did you try to take it off." "I only take this off before I go to sleep at night." She
looked at me and said, "this is too weird".