Well, Frankie, My brother got his toy.
A new catchers mit. I got a new magic set. It supplied us with enough joy to forget about the things that go bump in the night.
After 2 weeks, we kind of got used to it.
School took over priorities and I justed started
junior High. It was like a fresh beginning, with a new school, in the town over from us. New Hyde Park. The town of Garden
City Park was too small for a Jr & Reg. High School. Many of us who didn't go to Catholic School went to New Hyde Park
Memorial High School, which had both a Jr. & High School. I had to walk to school every day, No biggie, I only lied 10
city blocks away from school. It took on a good day, 10-15 minutes run, if I was late.
In the new school, we had many opportunities
to meet new friends. I was Shy at this stage of my life. Friends were hard for me because I wasn't good at sports, never was
a complete Nerd and didn't have the grades for it and wasn't much of a parties for the wild group. It was hard to fit in.
I did make friends with a pair of twins. Shawn & Robert. They were a little bit too rough & tumble to handle together,
alway fighting, just like siblings, jealousy as well.
One day I invited Shawn to a sleep over my house.
It was my first time that someone slept over as my guest. Shawn was into listening to music and talking about girls. He liked
the way I could Imitated Robin Williams and I made him laugh. I thought the sleep over would be a good idea. His mother said
it would be alright and everything was set for tonight.
It was a friday and the weekend was ahead. My father planned on
taking us to the ball game and see the Mets play on saturday, Big Weekend, so I thought.
He showed up right on time, on his 10 speed
bike. "You ride all the way here?" I asked. "Yup, I could ride all the way to Jones beach and back, did it several times last
summer." He parked his bike in my garage and I showed him were to put his sleeping bag. We were going to spend the night in
the finished basement. It was like an apartment now, used for guest and parties and only a month ago was our only dwelling
while the renovation was going on. I had my sleeping bag as well and we placed them on the floor of the TV room in the basement.
"Great house, it looks brand new." Shawn said. "It was
an old Cape Cod until my father made it into a two story Colonial." I was proud of our new house. " Wanna take a look around?"
"Sure." he replied, and we were off to upstairs, the first level. "Here is the kitchen, if you want a soda, it's in the fridge,
help yourself." He grabbed a C&C cola and start to gulp it down. "Your parents let you have soda?" "Yeah, doesn't yours?"
"Nope, we only get soda when guest are in town, otherwise we get iced tea." "Bummer", I wasn't a big fan of Iced tea, Memory
note... Bring soda if you go over Shawn's.
"This way to the living room." I said. "Wow, it's a
big living room!" He exclaimed. "It wasn't always." I said, "it used to be my parents bedroom and our living room, they tore
a wall down and then connected my brother and I bed room for the dining room."
We entered into the dining room, Shawn walked around the table and noticed
the Chandelier, "Pretty", He mocked and began to touch it. The chandelier then ZAPPED him. "It shocked Me!" He screamed out.
"Maybe electric static because of the new carpet." He shook his hand and put his finger in his mouth. He backed into the corner
of the dining room, " I feel cold." He felt it too. "Yeah, my father says it's our ghost." "GHOSTS, You Have ghosts?" Shawn's
eyes lit up. "Well, yeah, we think so, ever since we had the place remodeled we have had a couple of Weird Stuff happening."
"What kind of WEIRD stuff?" Shawn got interested in the subject more.
"Well, like cold spots, dogs and cat going crazy, barking and hissing
at corners, footsteps, thins like that." He rolled his eyes and started to get really nervous. "What the matter?" I asked.
"I've never stayed in a Haunted House before." He said. Now that upset me a little, when you think of Haunted Houses you think
of 1313 Mocking bird lane, The Munsters' House or The Addams' family and our house was nothing like that. It wasn't Creepy
like that. I got insulted. He backed out of the living room and we went upstairs.
"Here is my brother's room, the mess, and here is my room."
I opened my door for him to take a look. "Neat, You like Star Wars,Huh?" He looked at all my posters and artwork. "You think
so", I opened my closet and showed him my Comics, Books and collector items,etc, "I like Star Trek" Shawn said. "I could do
a mean Scotty!" He began to do his version of a scottish accent, when all of a sudden the window opened by itself. "Cute trick!"
He replied, "How did you do that, string?" I was puzzled myself. I never saw my window open like that before. "I didn't do
it." I said. Then all of sudden the window closed by itself. "I'm getting out of here!" And he ran for the door, "Wait, I'm
sure there is an explanation for this,"
Knowing how I'm going to explain this one? "The house
is new and it's settling and maybe the latch on the window flicked open and the springs open the window," I explained. "Then
Who closed the window?" Good question!, I thought. "Don't know,...... Gravity? But you'll be O.K. as long as you stay with
me." Shawn's head spun around faster and got moving more nervous now. "Calm down, I was just kidding about Ghosts." I
broke out my new Magic set and showed him a couple of new tricks I had Learned but he was always looking around the room,
expecting something else to happen. I didn't Know how hard it was going to be entertaining someone, who is scared out of his
wits. It might be fun evening after all.