The Haunted Chronicles

My Father's Work Out

The Basement Door
The Move in.
Stop Pulling My Sheets
The Sleep Over
The Party's Over
My Father's Workout
The Back Door
The Ouija Board
The Fire Accident
My Aunt's Visit
Cathy's Last Straw
The Pink Spectre
Calm Before The Storm
Halloween Night
Brother's Business



     After the door was fixed, by a dead bolt lock, the incidents lighten up. Life return as normal. Oh, you would get the typical cold spot in the Dining room, Still would get shocked by the chandelier, dogs and cat would still be afraid or bark at the corner of that room. Just a little less than normal, kind of like it moved in and was settled in as well.
School was o.k.

     Sean only told a couple of people of the stuff that went on during his stay over. Since then, he wouldn't come back for sleep overs. I would have to stay over his house for sleep over for now on. I didn't mind, plus it gave me a break from being alone.

      During the time when we were in school, my father would have breaks during the middle of the day. He would now go down stairs during those breaks and go work out. He had a stationary bike, some weights and work out bench. It was a way to unwind before his second shift driving the bus for the county.

      On one day, I came home from school and my father was home. I was greeted by him with a frantic stare. He said he had a time of it for the last hour. "Johnny, I kept hearing a door slam and thought you guys were home, I heard foot steps and voices and more foot steps, so I thought you might have brung home friends, but when I came up the steps and open the basement door, nothing, nobody. It was really freaky, Johnny. Did you come home before?" I said that I haven't and that seems to upset him more. He kept saying, "it sounded so real, like someone upstairs moving around."

      I reminded him of the first incident and when Danny had to be called. He remembered, and agreed, we must have ghosts. Duh? I thought. Now he knows. I guess he always knew but his Marines background he could never admit to the fear of the unknown.

     After a while, he would still hear the footsteps and would totally ignore them. Sometimes he would check it out, when the dogs were going crazy. He later switch his shift so he could work out while someone was at home. He would just feel better knowing someone is there when you hear footstep or at least fool yourself that some is home.
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John M. Carr's Haunting