The Haunted Chronicles

Brother's Business

The Basement Door
The Move in.
Stop Pulling My Sheets
The Sleep Over
The Party's Over
My Father's Workout
The Back Door
The Ouija Board
The Fire Accident
My Aunt's Visit
Cathy's Last Straw
The Pink Spectre
Calm Before The Storm
Halloween Night
Brother's Business


      My brother decide to have a sleep over. He had several others, but now it's gotten out that our house was haunted and if you want to be scared to come on over to our little house of haunts and get the freight of your life. If it sounds corny, yes, there is no way to figure out if your going to get a visit. It may happen, it might not happen, when it's gonna was like have a gun with a bullet, spin, click. Brother dear didn't want to know what who be in store for Them.
     "Them", consisted of Robert, smug, arrogant and con-seeded. Gary, the pot head, loose cannon, and Mr Macho, Alfred, weird sense of humor, mis-understood Momma Boy, and then there was Mark, The Village Idiot, laugh at drop of a odd word, what Beavis and Butt head came from Mark & Alfred as seen on my street, 10 years before Mtv made of cartoon of them. All these guys and they want to stay in the basement. Now, I'm sure they were burning incense to calm the ghost, yeah, right.
      I went to bed early to try not being a NARC, but the little I know the better. Plus, didn't want to be the other person on the ead of the Ouija board. I heard them talking about the board and what could happen. My mom hid it somewhere downstairs, or was it up in her closet. But I knew it was in their possession and it might spark off some of our own ghost to speak, walk, moving about, or even asked about someone's demise again.
       When I hit my lights out in my bedroom. I would hear giggles from the basement windows from above. They were just finishing trying to get someone to levitate, with 2 fingers per hand. Bash, booom, someone landed on the floor and some furniture wrong. Then 20 minutes of silence. Couldn't get to sleep but I knew what was next. Ouija time.
       I felt cold, and it was late spring. couldn't get the feeling of cold out of me. Then, I saw it. A Black Shadow creep from the corner of my room to the bedroom door. It took the black shadow about a minute to creep through, I held my breath, I got pretty nervous. They called for it, and now it's paying a visit. Then, I hear yelling, I ran downstairs and made it to the kitchen and then swish, the door opened.
      "Did you see it?" , Alfred said running from the basement. Seen what, "Errrr, it was dark, I couldn't see it's shape, but it came as soon as we started, the emmmm, errr, never mind. Gary preceded up next, he looked like he was on a ride from Great Adventure and wanted to go back on the ride. Mark was in the corner, shaking like a leaf, he open his mouth, "They made me, I didn't wanna, they made me", is all he could say. Robert, was already, outside, on his bike, huffing it home, which was up the block.
     Frankie, gave me a smile and I began to shout. "If you started something up again, it' s your fault." He said, "nothing happen", someone saw a shadow, and the other got bugged out of the shadows from the candles. Gary agreed with Frankie and backed him up with a shit eating grin.

Don't know what scarier, living here, Or having a brother on the edge.
Bringing you the best in Haunted Entertainment.


John M. Carr's Haunting