It was either the stocks, hagging, or branding. |

The Stocks was not as cruel as branding, which those caught stealing, be branded with a Thief mark. |
The Stocks were a
form of punishment, enforced by The Governor. The first Governor was appointed by King Charles over the Colonist, to be assured
that taxes were collected and England's law was enforced. This was soon changed after the Revolutionary War, when Colonial
Williamsburg was taken by Patriots.
These children seem to be having fun. |

People were place in stocks for days, weeks, months at a time. |
These "Stocks" were giving off a .6 to .8 milligauss
of electro magnetic fields (emf). Although the real stocks have been replaced because of wear and errosion, there positioning
in the town were exactly the same. Very unusual that an object, that has no electrical application have EMF readings. I guess
we'll call this a residual haunt of the "Stocks". Which means a point of time that reoccurs over and over
again. Objects can be haunted as well.
Some other forms of punishment....
- Pegging- A person is pegged to the ground and
made to sit in an area. Kind of like chaining a dog to a tree.
- Branding- A person is marked with a branding
iron. Thieves were dealt this the most. Place on the right hand, on top, between the thumb and forefinger. It would be seen
if that person was to grab or touch something. Warning thoses that they were in the company of thieves.
- Hagging- Quick and swift, hagging was dealt
with right away. Brought to a tree in town, then the hagging was done on the hillside. It was a sign that no-one would tolerate
their actions. Dealt to murderers, sex-offenders and those who didn't pay their taxes.